
Six Patrol Squadron 45 seaplanes have returned from a five-day deployment to the U.S.S. Albermarle, the second deployment the squadron has participated in during the past two weeks. The first deployment of three planes spent nine days at Key West, Florida. Before they returned, six more aircraft left to work on combined seaplane and tender tactics with the U.S.S. Albermarle for five days.

The second detachment was commanded by Commander Edgar P. Palm, commanding officer of Patrol Squadron 45. The six planes flew around the clock participating in seaplane tender operations, with the large seaplane tender which has been seen many times in the Great Sound. During the operation the Albermarle was anchored in the Rappahannock River, just north of Norfolk, Virginia. The detachment flew a total of 150 hours during the operation, giving all flight crews valuable training.

Now that most of the seaplanes have returned to the Colony, the squadron can resume its normal operations at the U.S. Naval Station.

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