Please click on the links above to view information about each currently serving officer
By law, the Officers of the Association must include at minimum a President, a Treasurer, and a Secretary; in addition, our Bylaws provide for a Vice President, a Newsletter Editor and a Webmaster. These Officers perform the duties prescribed by published Association Bylaws and by parliamentary authority. They must, of course, be members of the Association.
The Officers are elected by ballot of the members to serve until successors are elected, and their term of office shall begin when elected. The President may appoint an officer for a temporary vacancy, which vacancy would be filled by ballot of the membership at the next reunion. Officers serve terms at the pleasure of a quorum of the elected officers, or from each reunion to the next (approximate two year period), whichever is the shorter term.
No Officer may hold more than one office at a time, but may be elected to serve more than one consecutive term in the same or different office.
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Last updated: 3/8/2025