Period Photograph Albums
We are always interested in videos, photographs and other images concering VP-45. Please submit your digital photo/image as an attachment to an email via the Contact Us link located on the Home page. If that is not possible, you can submit your photo(s) via mail to the WebMaster . Please send an email via the "Contact Us" link to obtain the current mailing address of the WebMaster. This address will be different than the VP-45 Association's published address. Photos can only be returned if you
include a self-addressed and stamped envelope.
If you send (mail or email) photos, please include a short description for each photo identifying the year, activity and people in each photo (if known).
Because of their potentially large size, please contact us to arrange how best to get your video files to us.
If you recognise a photo already in one of these "albums" and would like to have a description added to it, please email us via the "Contact Us" link on the home page (or the email link at the very bottom of this page). Include the year or rough time frame the photo was taken and any other information regarding the scene that you feel is appropriate to be names and activity pictured. Be sure to copy down the file name of the image so we will know which one you are addressing. The WebMaster is approval authority for adding images to the site.
Photo Albums
The P-3 Era, Volume 1 (1963-1977)
The P-3 Era, Volume 2 (1978-1990)
2024 University of North Florida Veteran's Day Commemoration
Delivered by our webmaster, Scott Kelly, who is also an adjunct professor of Computer Science at UNF. (Note: initial intro was not recorded.)
The PBM Era (1942-1953)
The P5M Era (1954-1962)
The P-3 Era, Volume 1 (The 60s)
The P-3 Era, Volume 2 (The 70s)
The P-3 Era, Volume 3 (The 80s)